Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Hi! I apologize for my temporary absence. My motto of the evening: Life happens.

Sunday I made myself breakfast and ate it in bed! As I keep holy the sabbath, Jake's job requires work on Sunday (God's work, of course) so I spend most Sundays relaxing in my house until I meet him at evening Mass. Per usual, I made myself breakfast and relaxed. Here is a picture of the setting:
Best part of this whole scene is it was sunny yet again and my room it situated just perfectly to catch the sun all day long. I sunbathed like a cat and ate my eggs and bagel with a delicious Seattle's Best coffee. The eggs I've kept stocked in my fridge and the bagel was a left over from the morning prior. Coffee is obviously always in my house. I am my mother's daughter.
Lunch was left over Pizza which I ate with Jake at his office. He gave up pizza for Lent so he was happy to enjoy some slices while it was Sunday (As my mom says, "little Easters"). I also enjoyed an apple with peanut butter later for a snack.
Dinner was provided at youth group. Sundays are always easy. :)

Monday was back to work for me; an opening shift. I really do not remember what my breakfast was. I am fairly certain I had one more bagel left over so I must have had that. Yep, now I remember.
Lunch was left over "chicken stuff" - that Paleo Creamy Chicken recipe from Saturday night.
Dinner. This is the greatest. I decided to join a gym and work out after work Monday night so my super hero Jake make me his famous tacos. They were delicious, as always. Jake was disappointed I didn't take a picture of his tacos for my blog. I wish I had remembered to take one. Poor Jake.
For me, another easy day.

I have absolutely no food pictures from this day, my apologies. I had the day off and I was in quite a funk.
Breakfast was a left over taco. How terrible is that?
Lunch was ritz peanut butter crackers from Jake's office.
Then I finally got my act together, went to them gym, and then I made a trip to the grocery store.
Here is my receipt:

After I got home and put all of my groceries away I cleaned, cut, and put chicken in a bag with salad dressing to season it up for dinner. I also prepped a bag of Keilbasa Casserole, also a paleo recipe, for later in the week.
I ate a million chips and then Jake came over and cooked with me. We broiled the chicken and cooked some spinach. We used the left over hamburger buns to make chicken sandwiches.
It is always a joy cooking with Jake. We always end up standing in the kitchen laughing and terrorizing each other with tickles and teasing. Sometimes we dance to no music and at some point Jake always freaks out at me because he thinks I am either going to burn or cut myself.
After dinner we played cards and hung out.

Just saying, that gym membership is already kicking my butt. I finally ventured into the weight room which I have always had a fear of and I am so sore! A week or two ago I went to the doctor for a physical to make sure I am going into a marriage healthy. She advised me to take on a much more active lifestyle. With less than two months to go I decided I should probably carryout that advice.
Nonetheless, the food -
Breakfast this morning was an apple and coffee.
Jake got me lunch. He was out with coworkers so I cheated and asked him to pick me something up. Hey, this is a challenge I'd be crazy if I did perfect. I also ate cookies at work. Merp.
For dinner I made pork chops with onion and apple:
They were good! I put a little seaoning salt and olive oil on them and cooked them for 40 minutes at 350 degrees. I ate more cookies for dessert.
That does it! Now we are all caught up, folks!

But just one more thing...
Since this whole blog series is about counting down the days until I am Jake's wife can I just gush for a second? I cannot wait. Jake is my vocation. He is my way to heaven. He is my prince charming. He is everything I've ever imagined in my feminine heart and more. He is certainly the desire of my heart and I cannot wait to be his partner, his wife for life. I can't wait to call him my husband. I can't wait to wake up next to him every single morning. I can't wait to do his laundry and whine at him to clean the bathroom because his beard clippings are all over the place. I can't wait to let him watch what I think is far too much TV but deal with it anyways because I know TV is his relaxation thing. I can't wait to have the little arguments that make us hurt, sad, cry, frustrated, annoyed and challenged to make greater sacrifices of love for one another because that is just the whole point - to grow in love, toward He who is Love. I can't wait to have little Jakes and little Megan and see him in them. I can't wait to learn how to grow and to grow closer to God as a family.
I don't have wounds that keep me from wanting a marriage like some people experience but having such a gift before me I can't imagine thinking marriage is something other than wonderful. I am certainly blessed in that way.
Okay. That is all. :)

Next up: Kielbasa Casserole

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