As you've probably realized (and I've probably already mentioned this before) my dream job would be somewhere along the lines of speaking about God's love and how he conquers our insecurities and the world can pose a big bag a lies that hide truth. As much as that truly is my dream job I also would love love love to do something with singing. I adore singing and I love to use my voice to praise the Lord (not only in praise and worship). I would love to use it as part of my ministry as well. Singing is just one of those things in my life that has always brought me back to center. My whole life if I ever was in a terrible mood singing always made me feel better. Even in my darkest days singing always freed me from my self hatred a little bit. The Lords given me such a gift thats played a huge role in my healing and I would love to use it to share His love with others.

Somewhere in the singing and speaking I wouldn't want to lose sight of writing as part of my ministry as well.
Stemmed off of my music musings I began to contemplate the other gifts the Lord has given me and I thought about my blog and writing. Now, I am constantly frightened to admit that I can write. (Here we go again, my fears ruining everything.) I am constantly afraid that other people will think that I write poorly. But you know what? I like to sing - so I sing. And people recognize the beauty in my voice that the Lord has blessed me with. I like to write - so I write. And I get As on school papers and people have enjoyed what I've written. So there. Take that fears! Alright, now that I've vented about my insecurities... I love this blog. Its had a lot of different themes. First feminine beauty, broadening to other testimonies and other inspirations, to traveling, back to inspirations, and now I'd like to attempt at simply sharing my thoughts - kind of like this post. This could be a disaster but I've obviously had a difficult time keeping up my blog so I'm trying to take a more relaxed route to see if I'll write more frequently. The Lord has given me this desire and this talent to scribble-scrabble my thoughts into the blogosphere so here I am world! Back in action! Wait - don't get too excited I have a very, very busy summer ahead of me. That's a topic for another post, another time.
Food for thought: "Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her" Luke 1:45
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