How lovely it is spending time resting in this christmassy atmosphere after
arriving home from a busy semester in school. I had a lot of
difficulty straying from stress and staying focused on my thesis so with some
down time its been nice to rethink just exactly why I want to write my
senior thesis on authentic feminine beauty. The topic certainly has a
lot of theology in it but it is not strictly academic. The fact is woman
don't know they're beautiful and men often don't know women are beautiful
either. Well, men know women are beautiful, there is just a temptation to only see aspects of beauty and not
humanity. Let me explain -
Recently I have been more aware of just
how destitute the world is of wisdom. I recently read a blog article on MORF,
which said a Dove study showed 4% of women considered themselves beautiful.
Four! That's four in one hundred women who actually consider themselves
beautiful. Moreover I watched a sex trafficking awareness video
making its way through Facebook and was horrified to see a reality I'd already
known. Certainly sex trafficking is a grand example of just how
objectified and ill treated women are but when statistics
show that 20% of men (in the work place) are addicted to
pornography, a $57.0 billion worldwide industry, objectifying women
becomes a pretty ordinary day-in-day-out norm. Certainly pornography's popularity provides an easier availability to all boys and men (and ladies too) and makes way for minds conditioned with an ill understanding of true beauty and authentic love.
I'm not going to lie, even with the healing I've
experienced the battle is never totally won living in today's society. Beauty
today, which is utterly misunderstood, does not encapsulate the entirety of a
person, rather beauty is no longer about a beautiful person but about one's assets; the
parts of the person. A
common question among secular men today is, "are you a butt guy?" Or "are
you a boob guy?" Beauty, for women, then becomes about how to be noticed. The importance of a woman's beauty reaches at her innate desire to be loved, adored and pursued and when she yearns with every fiber of her being to be noticed and loved and is overcome with impatience and desire she is tempted to turn towards those men who notice her quickly because of her "beautiful" assets. However, true beauty is not seen unless one looks with the eyes of authentic love and sees the entirety of the person rather than instant gratification - be it attention or sexual arousal. What I mean is is beauty cannot be purely seen or understood when it is exposed in such a way that actually distracts from its totality nor can it be purely seen or understood when beauty registers as sexual gratification rather than 'here is a person worthy of sacrificial love'.
Humanity is beautiful, men and women alike. Innocent children, for example, are some of the most beautiful creatures we can behold. The love
people can give and experience is beautiful too. Life and love are beautiful
and they remind our souls where we came from and what we are made for - He who
is Love. Women have a special role in being beautiful in a truly feminine sense,
whether they deny it or not. A woman's features as well as a woman's heart are
a joy to behold especially in the eyes and heart of a man; after all Adam
didn't even know what he had coming for him and he exclaimed, "AT
LAST!" at the sight of Eve. If we take the disturbing statistics and the harsh
realities of our society and place
the motives of those men's heart in a place of honor and respect for women, we
find that men, like the first man, are in awe of women's beauty. Women
therefore have a privilege of being the most alluring and beautiful creatures
on earth, so much so that, as seen in my sad and disturbing examples, their
beauty can actually lead men to sin if not upheld and respected by both parties. If women were not the crown of creation, in regards to beauty, women would not struggle with a burning desire to have their beauty be noticed and adored and men would not be so effected by feminine beauty.
The solution you ask? We cannot strip feminine
beauty away from the dignity of the person. A woman is beautiful; her whole
self and she is most especially beautiful when she loves with a genuine heart
and holds herself with respect and honor and confidence knowing she is
infinitely loved - especially loved by her creator who endowed her with a gift of beauty to be
beheld and cherished by those who encounter her. When a man fails to see that,
he does himself no justice and he dishonors her. When a woman fails to see that
in herself, she unfortunately dishonors herself but also allows men the
opportunity of dishonoring her as well.

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