I've had such a great week. I finished up a novena to St. Therese of Lisieux on Sunday because I've been incredibly stressed out and anxious for hmm I don't know - a month! and Monday morning I stopped by the chapel on my way to class determined that I would have a good day. Oh how the Lord is so good! Joy has been pouring out of my ears, shooting from my finger tips and toes! I've been crazy all week because I haven't been able to contain it! (Just ask my suite mates and anyone close to me.) The Lord's grace is so abundant, He just wants us to want the gifts he has for us - so ask! But I digress...

As I waited in line to board the bus in the dark 6:45AM air of down town Charlotte I observed the diverse and unique crowd of people who I would be journeying with. As I looked around I thought to myself, "These people have souls. These people were created by God out of love and they have a dignity and a purpose and I don't even know them at all." No matter who these people were, no matter what they've done, what they do, where they're going, what they believe - they are loved and God thirsts for them. Isn't that so beautiful?
We rolled through the first bus stop and the seat next to me was then occupied by a sweet looking woman. Eventually we got acquainted she began to share with me a little bit about herself and her personal journey. We ended up talking about God, love and compassion. This woman had a beautiful, beautiful heart that has gone through so much. She loves her children with the most genuine and pure love a mother could have and she would do whatever it takes for them. As she shared with me her heart and love for our Lord I wanted to love her back. I wanted to listen to her and support her and share with her in return. I may not have the exact same beliefs as her but I learned so much about our Lord through her words and story, and by listening to her I hoped she would feel her dignity and importance in this world. She is a confident woman, a strong woman and a woman of deep faith who knows she is loved by God - but God still wanted me to love her on that bus ride. God wants us to love everyone.

As she thanked me for our wonderful conversation and promised me her prayers a long with a wish of luck for my own journey I felt so blessed to have shared that conversation with her. I felt so honored to have heard how the Lord has worked in her life and to know the ways I can pray for her.
Each soul is such a gift and to experience the gift of a person through deep and intentional conversation is a unique and moving blessing.
In the end, Love is all we really have to give and there isn't a single person ever created, born or unborn, who doesn't deserve to be loved.
food for thought:
Thanks for sharing today's journey with us!! So good to see you at Mass tonight . . . . . :0} You are a beautiful writer!