All the little decorations from numerous moments in my life remind me just how incredibly blessed I am for the childhood I had and for these past three years at the Abbey. Did I honestly just pack for college for the very last time? When I move back into my mustard yellow room at the end of my senior year I have absolutely no clue how long I plan to stay. A week? A month? A summer? A year? It's all SO exciting but so...adult!
If you have been a faithful reader of my not-so-consistent blog you will recall I didn't initially plan on going to college. And if you read a little more than my most popular blog post, Fear, Doubt, and Belmont Abbey, you will remember that a huge portion of my testimony is from my freshman year at the Abbey. There is no doubt in my mind that God truly changed my plans from cosmetology school to Belmont Abbey College for a reason, or a few. The struggles I've been through in college - from deep seeded wounds that needed healing, to spiritual ups and downs, to friendship lessons, to paper upon paper upon paper, to heart breaks - have challenged me in the most beautiful ways. They've revealed to me that under all my fallenness there is a woman God created me to be.
There are a couple huge moments in my college years that I wouldn't trade for anything. Of course all the healing of my insecurities and all that goes along with that I wouldn't trade for anything, but also starting this crazy blog. I sit amazed that I thought up some of these things and that the Lord used me to get a little bit of truth out into this often dark and scary world.

Totus Tuus. I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to be stretched further than I ever imagined. I am so thankful for the training I had, the challenge of leading a team, of teaching children from barely four years old to almost eighteen about the Lord, for the amazing team I worked with, and the numerous ways I am beginning to realize it formed me. I am also just amazed that I did that. It takes a Totus Tuus missionary to really understand what a Totus Tuus missionary goes through - I know because I didn't believe how hard it was until I did it.
Not to get all sappy on you but if it wasn't for Belmont Abbey I wouldn't be dating, who I believe is, the man of my dreams. I am terribly grateful for that first diocesan confirmation retreat that I helped out with not only because it opened my eyes to my dream job but also because the weekend kicked of my friendship with my now boyfriend. Jake and I have a crazy story of ups and downs, backs and forth, limbo and praise the Lord since June 7th, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus this year, a relationship.
The weekend of the confirmation retreat Jake told me he thought I was really cool (after I did something super odd like sang to myself in a weird voice...classic) and that we should hangout. I proceeded to tell him I couldn't be friends with him because he was graduating in like two months and I didn't want to get attached to any of the seniors - I'd miss them too much. He told me that was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard and then he came over to my room almost every night until the end of the semester when timing for us just wasn't right.

So who knows where I'll be in my life when I move back home. Who knows what God has planned for me this senior year. I am terribly excited to have a blast with my Abbey friends, to go through senior year challenges, to grow closer to the Lord in the beautiful Adoration chapel across from my dorm, and to grow more in love with Jacob Coffman. So many changes have been made in my life these past three years and all I can do is praise God for the life He has blessed me with thus far.
Heres my food for thought: