This summer I’ve been blessed to be a part of a college
fellowship and bible study group where we’ve been focusing on the Beatitudes in
Matthew 5. We’ve come to sum up the Beatitudes as, “Blessed are the humble” and
lately majority of my spiritual musings have been focusing on just that.
Recently we had a reading from Corinthians in which
Saint Paul asked the Lord to relieve him of a great suffering. The Lord
explained that in Paul’s weakness the Lord can use him perfectly and therefore
Paul accepted his suffering joyfully saying, “When I am weak, then I am strong”
(2 Corinthians 12:10). That reading pretty much changed my life. It made me
think about all the times where I feel incapable of succeeding in whatever
challenge lies before me. It made me recall how much of a failure I felt by the end of the semester this past spring. I came to a peaceful conclusion: I am
so blessed. I am so blessed to be weak and constantly striving to be closer to
my God and to see His mighty hand in my life.

I’ve found it that when we deny our weaknesses rather than
come to terms with them and attempt to be stronger than we are than we burn
out. For example if I tell myself that I am strong enough to evangelize to my
brother who has fallen away form the church I will most likely fail. If I seek
the Lord’s guidance, the Lord will help me to understand that it is not words which my brother needs, but subtle acts of kindness. Also the Lord knows my
fears and how hard it is for me to face my brother in conversation of any kind
– If I attempted to approach my brother on aspects of religion I would crumble
under my weakness and probably do worse for my brother’s salvation than do
good. However, there are also times when I have to abandon my fears because God uses my weakness to reach others.
I find it incredible to witness in my own life how much the
Lord uses me for His work and makes me strong. Throughout my testimony I was
petrified and didn’t know if I’d ever be able to love myself – But God did it.
I didn’t know I would be good at leading God’s daughter’s in their confirmation
retreat last spring – But God used my story and my gifts to reach them and it
turned out to be a beautiful weekend. And every time I write on this website I
just pray that the Lord is using me for His glory and I fear that I am not
enough – but every time I get so much affirmation and am blessed with
encouraging feedback.
I really look up to Moses. He was terrified to lead God’s
people to the promise land and he slipped up sometimes too. He told God that he
wasn’t equipped to lead His people but God made Moses perfectly. Perfect enough
to lead the people to the promise land. God used Moses despite his speech
impediment and his simpleness to bring His law to us and to fulfill His promise
to save the people. The Lord uses us in our weaknesses too. We might seem weak,
we might be so small and nothing in comparison the greatness of the whole world
but we aren’t. We are so valuable and so precious. God can accomplish great
things in this world through us and He does.
Allow the Lord to use you. Surrender your weakness to Him and let Him take you on one crazy adventure – I guarantee, when you get to the pearly gates God will await you and say, “Well done my good and faithful servant” and “the kingdom of Heaven shall be yours.”
Allow the Lord to use you. Surrender your weakness to Him and let Him take you on one crazy adventure – I guarantee, when you get to the pearly gates God will await you and say, “Well done my good and faithful servant” and “the kingdom of Heaven shall be yours.”
Jesus, I TRUST in You.
Food for thought:
“The ability to remain untouched by evil is not acquired all at once. It is the
fruit of a long process of self-conquest and grace that makes us grow in the
theological virtues. It is an aspect of spiritual maturity, more a gift from
God than the result of our efforts.” – Interior
Freedom by Jacques Philippe
i really enjoy the foods for thought and more importantly, everything you say =)